Orthoptic Assessments
An Orthoptic Assessment is also known as a Binocular Vision Assessment, it focuses on the way the eyes can see and work together to produce a clear & single image.
A referral from an Optometrist prior to seeing our Orthoptist is recommended, to ensure the health of the internal structures of the eye have been checked and a current glasses prescription is given (if needed).
Based on the results of the assessments, treatment options may include Prescription Glasses, Prisms and/or Vision Therapy.
Shifting attention from near to far objects which requires our eye posture to change
​copying from the board at school
looking from the computer screen to a colleague across the room
looking at the speedometer then back to the road while driving
Keeping objects and words clear as your eyes follow a moving target or read across the printed page
Using information from both eyes (binocularity) to judge depth and distance
crucial skill in sports​ and general play for children
Visual-motor integration
guiding a pencil across a page when writing
How do I use my Binocular Vision skills?
How do I know when there's a problem?
When there's a breakdown in these skills the symptoms often vary depending on (1) the severity of the problem, (2) how long the problem has existed and (3) the individual's pain/discomfort threshold.
Binocular Vision issues are common in both Adults & Children, but children are less likely to report any issues because they assume what they are seeing is normal.
Some of the most common signs & symptoms:
Squinting the eyes when looking at objects either near or far
Excessive blinking
Rubs eyes frequently
Closes one eye or has a significant head posture
Sensitivity to light
The appearance of an eye turn
Close working distance when reading, writing or holding an iPad
Frontal headaches
Tired eyes, particularly after close work such as reading, iPad/computer
Initial Functional Vision Assessment
Patient History
previous eye conditions, general health concerns, medications etc​
Visual Acuity
what's the smallest line of letters you can see on a distant letter chart and close reading material?
Eye Posture & Muscle control
how straight are your eyes when you look into the distance? and when you look at something close to you?
are the 6 muscles around each eye working equally?,
Eye Teaming skills
can the eyes cross inwards together?
can the eyes relax outwards together?
do both eyes work together to allow depth perception/3D vision?
Eye Focusing skills
can you make objects/images in the far distance clear?
how quickly can you change your focus and make a close object/image clear?
at what rate can you switch between the two?
Ocular Stress Reserves
How much visual demand/stress can your eyes tolerate before their teamwork breaks down?​
We offer a range of payment methods:
Private Health Insurance - we are a registered provider with all major health insurance funds for Orthoptic Services & Glasses
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - we are a registered provider and able to provide services whether you are self, plan or agency managed.