Driving Assessments
The Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) administer the visual standards for driving.
Following head injuries or a stroke, individuals may experience vision changes that affect their compliance with RMS standards. Understanding these standards and engaging in effective communication with RMS's medical administration division can be a complex task, so we provide an assessment, discussion and communication service for patients whose vision changes may impact their ability to meet RMS standards.
Driving Assessment + Visual Field Test + Eye Scanning Test
Patient History
previous eye conditions, general health concerns, medications etc​
Visual Acuity
what's the smallest line of letters you can see on a distant letter chart and close reading material?
Eye Posture & Muscle control
how straight are your eyes when you look into the distance? and when you look at something close to you?
are the 6 muscles around each eye working equally?,
Eye Teaming skills
can the eyes cross inwards together?
can the eyes relax outwards together?
do both eyes work together to allow depth perception/3D vision?
Eye Focusing skills
can you make objects/images in the far distance clear?
how quickly can you change your focus and make a close object/image clear?
at what rate can you switch between the two?
Ocular Stress Reserves
how much visual demand/stress can your eyes tolerate before their teamwork breaks down?​
Visual Field Test x 4
how many flashing spots can be seen from the side (peripheral) vision of each eye?
how many flashing spots can be seen when both eyes are combined?
how many flashing spots can be seen when both eyes are allowed to scan/look around?
Eye Scanning Test​
how smoothly & accurately can both eyes move together​ to follow a target in different directions?​
We offer a range of payment methods:
Private Health Insurance - we are a registered provider with all major health insurance funds for Orthoptic Services & Glasses
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - we are a registered provider and able to provide services whether you are self, plan or agency managed.